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Benefited from resin system and nano-modification technologies, the series of high-quality weft free bulletproof vests, stab and bullet-proof vest, stab-proof vest and industrial protection clothing defenses against bullets, knives and cones as well as against explosives for temporary isolation, storage and disposal with the combined advantages of strong and tough texture, light weight, high comfort level and excellent performance. The series of the products have been extensively applied in police, security and other personnel safety protection.

High-quality bullet-proof vest

Used for defence against bullet impact

Level of protection Protective layer density(kg/m2) Chip thickness(mm) Reference standard
GA-2 5.88 12 GA 141-2010
GA-3 7.56 14 GA 141-2010
NIJ II 4.2 10 NIJ 0101.06
NIJ IIIA 5.88 12 NIJ 0101.06

High-comfort stab and bullet-proof vest

Used to defend against bullets, knives, cones and other attacks, and for personalprotection of police, security guards and other personnel

Level of protection Protective layer density(kg/m2) Chip thickness(mm) Reference standard
GA stab-proof
GA Class 3 bullet-proof
8.82 14 GA 68-2019 / GA 141-2010
GA stab-proof
GA Class 2 bullet-proof
7.98 12.5 GA 68-2019 / GA 141-2010
NIJ Class I stab-proof
NIJ Class IllA bullet -proof
7.14 11.5 NIJ 0115.00 / NIJ 0101.06
NIJ Class Il stab-proof
NIJ Class IlIA bullet-proof
7.56 12 NIJ 0115.00 / NIJ 0101.06

Comfortable soft stab-proof clothing

Class A stab-proof clothing weighs 1.865 kg, mainly used for military police onduty; and class B 1.0 kg, mainly used for security personnel and individual

Level of protection Protective layer density(kg/m2) Chip thickness(mm) Reference standard
GA stab-proof
6.75 12 GA 68-2019
NIJ Class I stab-proof 5.85 10.5 NIJ 0115.00
NIJ Class Il stab-proof 6.75 12 NIJ 0115.00
NIJ Class Ill stab-proof 7.65 12.5 NIJ 0115.00