CGWIC successfully launches JILIN-1KF01C as Main Satellite and JILIN-1GF03D27-33 as Secondary Satellites by LM-2D Launch Vehicle The current page: Home -> News

At 10:38, May 5th, 2021 BJT, Long March 2D (LM-2D) Launch Vehicle blasted off from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC), sending Jilin-1KF01C Satellite as main passenger, as well as seven secondary passengers Jilin-1GF03D27-33 Satellites into predetermined orbit, achieving a complete success.

The launch services for the eight satellites are prime-contracted by China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC), a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

Jilin-1KF01C Satellite is a remote sensing satellite designed and manufactured by Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co.,Ltd, which is used to obtain panchromatic and multispectral images of earth observation with large width and high-resolution and provide the remote sensing services for smart city construction, territorial and mineral resources exploration.

Jilin-1GF03D27-33 Satellites are seven remote sensing satellites with high-resolution developed by Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co.,Ltd, these satellites will be applied in providing the high-resolution remote sensing information and images for valuable customers.

LM-2D Launch Vehicle is the liquid two-stage launcher designed and manufactured by Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), also a subsidiary of CASC. The designed capacity of LM-2D is 1200kg for 700km sun synchronous orbit. This mission is the 59th launch of LM-2D.

CGWIC is a commercial organization authorized by Chinese government to provide commercial launch services, satellite systems and to carry out space technology cooperation. Under the guidance of CASC, CGWIC can provide fast, stable and reliable "one-stop" quality services to both international and domestic customers by introducing the "Long March Express" launch services brand.

Since Long March launch vehicles entered the international market in 1990, CGWIC has completed 70 commercial launch missions for 69 international satellites and 40 domestic satellites. In addition, CGWIC has conducted 43 rideshare missions sending 27 international payloads and 102 domestic payloads into orbits.

This launch marks the 419th flight of the Long March fleet.
