CGWIC Launches Beijing 101 Middle School Minisatellite aboard LM-4C Launch Vehicle | The current page: Home -> News |

Developed by DFHSat, a subsidiary of the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), the Beijing 101 Middle School Minisatellite will undertake technical demonstrations and other science activities for students.
LM-4C is a three-stage liquid launch vehicle developed by Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), a subsidiary of CASC.
CGWIC is the sole commercial organization authorized by the Chinese government to provide commercial launch services, satellite systems and to carry out space technology cooperation.
Since the Long March series of launch vehicles has stepped into the international market in the 90’s, CGWIC performed a total of 66 launch missions, including 69 satellites for international customers and 30 satellites for domestic customers. Furthermore, CGWIC has conducted 40 rideshare missions, launched 27 international and 74 domestic payloads.
This launch marks the 403rd flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles.