On August 7, 2018, China Great Wall Industry Corporation ("CGWIC"), which is subordinated under China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, and APT Satellite Company Limited ("APT") jointly conducted the ceremony to celebrate the successful in-orbit delivery to the customer the APSTAR-6C satellite.
APSTAR-6C satellite was launched on May 4, 2018 by the Long March 3B launch vehicle from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at Sichuan province of China. The satellite conducted LEOP operations, including five apogee firings and perigee engine firings, and positioned at the designated orbit slot for in-orbit test while the tracking and control operation of the APSTAR-6C satellite was transferred to the APT ground station at Taipo, Hong Kong. Starting from May 14, 2018, the APSTAR-6C satellite has made in-orbit tests from the APT ground stations at Hong Kong and drifted to the final orbit positioned at 134° East longitude geostationary orbit on May 29, 2018 successfully. On June 4, 2018, APSTAR-6C satellite finished all the tests and a comprehensive in-orbit test report was submitted to the customer. APSTAR-6C satellite in-orbit acceptance review (IOAR) has been held successfully and the title and ownership of the APSTAR-6C satellite has been transferred to APT Satellite.
APSTAR-6C satellite program is the 12th satellite in-orbit delivery program of China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC). According to the contract, CGWIC, as the Prime Contractor, would design, manufacture, assemble, launch and deliver APT Satellite the APSTAR-6C satellite in orbit and other ground deliverable items necessary for the satellite operation, with the support of its subcontractors which are China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), and China Satellite Launch and Tracking Control General (CLTC).
APSTAR-6C satellite is designed and manufactured by CAST based on the DFH-4 platform with a designed life of 15 years. APSTAR-6C satellite is equipped with total 45 operational transponders in C-band, Ku-band and Ka-band. APSTAR-6C satellite will provide regional communication and satellite broadcasting service covering Asia-Pacific regions of VSAT, video distribution, DTH and cellular backhaul applications, and will have big potential market in providing improved services to support the Belt and Road Initiative, together with the existing APSTAR satellites fleet.
APSTAR-6C satellite is the second communications satellite based on DFH-4 platform procured by APT Satellite, an established international operator. The successful execution of program promotes development of the international space market for the DFH series satellites. APSTAR-9 satellite, the first DFH-4 satellite procured by APT Satellite, and its corresponding ground TT&C (telemetry, tracking and command) systems and earth station are in good operation and have provided reliable and high quality services to APT Satellite's customers since its launch in 2015. Up to now, the earliest DFH-4 communication satellite has served in orbit for nearly 10 years and the maturity and reliability of DFH-4 series satellite have been comprehensively verified.
APT Satellite, a company incorporated in Hong Kong, is the most leading satellite operators in the Asia Pacific region. Its APSTAR satellites fleet, covering about 75% of the world's population, provides superior "one-stop-shop" satellite transponder leasing, broadcast, Teleport and Network, as well as data center services to broadcasters and telecommunication customers.
CGWIC is a subsidiary company of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). It is the sole commercial agency authorized by the Chinese government to operate commercial launches, provide satellites in-orbit delivery services and develop international space cooperation as well as technology cooperation. It is the system integrator for China aerospace products and services. It can completely supply the satellite on-orbit delivery and the construction of satellite ground systems for domestic and international customers, with all-round and one-stop service to meet the diversified demands of the customers. CGWIC has completed ten in-orbit delivery projects on the DFH-4 communication satellite to international customers, exporting DFH-4 communication satellite to eight countries and regions including Nigeria, Venezuela, Pakistan, Bolivia, Hong Kong, Laos, Belarus and Algeria.