LM-11 Conducted Its 1st Launch for The New Year. CGWIC Successfully Launched Canadian "KIPP" Cubesat The current page: Home -> News

On 12:12, January 19th, 2018 BJT, Long March 11 successfully launched Jilin-1 Video 07/08 Satellites as main passenger and Canadian KIPP satellite as one of the piggyback satellites from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. It marks the 264th flight of Long March family, and it is the 14th international piggyback launch services provided by Long March family.

With this launch, Kepler Communication, a Canadian start-up communication satellite company based in Toronto, becomes the first commercial company ever to launch and operate a LEO communications satellite in Ku-band. KIPP is the first Canadian satellite launched in China. SLS, a Dutch company provided satellite deployer for this piggyback mission.

KIPP is a 3U technical demonstration satellite. At present, both the solar array and antennas were deployed, and the KIPP satellite is in good condition.
Long March 11, the launch vehicle used for this mission is designed and manufactured by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology. The main passenger of this mission is Jilin-1 Video 07/08 Satellites designed and manufactured by Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co.,LTD.

